Who is DappoMoss?

Dappo Moss is in his 60s. The terms queer, cis, gay, man, parent, coach, seeker, artist, and scientist are reasonable approximations to describe him.

In addition to life coaching certification, Dappo trained in Sacred Intimacy with the Body Electric School.

What would Dappo Do?

Goals & intentions are to provide a kind, skilled, respectful, and supportive space for growth: learning, exploration, sensation, healing, and joy. These take place through creating and sharing a sacred and intimate space with you.

Dappo Moss works with people who are deeply interested in enriching and healing their life’s journeys.

Sometimes the arena for this goes beyond what most people, cultures, and institutions see as the proper limits of life, love, embodiment, collaboration, and eros.

Who DappoMoss works with: so long as you are an adult, demographic basics are welcome and embraced: gender, sexual identity, age, body shape, race, ethnicity, relationship status/structure, et cetera.

How we meet: Your work with DappoMoss could happen through online connection, in-person at Dappo Moss’s workspace, or in some cases, at your place.

What we work on will closely follow your hopes, needs, and wishes for growth and learning. Some common themes include:

  • Healing body embarrassment and shame (dysmorphia): coming to comfort and love for the body that you have today: your shape, your parts, and how they function alone and with others. Healing and greater comfort and joy are possible.

  • Facing the world of dating, hookups, and searching for love: whether on the apps or in the material world, skills are involved. And it can help to have a good coach in your corner! You can get much better and more comfortable at all this; it can be fun.

  • Pleasure: your mind, heart, and body can learn to collaborate into new ways of pleasure. Despite worldwide, birth-to-death systems of debasement and limitation that we are constantly re-initiated into, greater pleasure is available, liberating, and important.

  • Life-stage progression (a.k.a. growing the fuck up): whether moving further into early adulthood, mid-life, or late-stage elderhood. My wish is that wonder and fulfillment will permeate your deeper learning and wisdom! Work can include talk, touch, active eros, well-bounded exploration, creative ritual, and formal study; regardless, I constantly observe that many of our greatest joys and breakthroughs happen in collaboration with others! Would you like me to partner and guide you in this?

  • Learning how consent really works: become much more skilled at asking, receiving, giving, and setting limits — because knowing and trusting yourself is the first step to doing more, on your very own terms. Almost all of us humans are quite clumsy and uneducated in this, and it dulls our erotic lives. Move past “I get pleasure by giving pleasure” sinkholes, while maturing your ethical skills. Discover what you actually want, and how to get this ethically and joyfully.

  • Grieving, playing, exploring: Have you had a few surprise encounters in your erotic history where you went to unexpected places? What if you were to do this with purpose and partnership, with someone who is here specifically for this to be possible?

  • Exploring new desires and pleasures: compassionate, grounded, ethical guidance in helping you explore power exchange, safe surrender, and fantasy, where no-one is harmed, shame is managed, and fulfillment enters realms of possibility.

How we actually approach our work will depend greatly on what is truly available in each of us, in an arena where we negotiate conscious consent. Work can include talk, touch, active eros, well-bounded exploration, creative ritual, and formal study. We work with careful communication and co-creation, open minds and hearts, and constant attention to boundaries and limits.

What wouldn’t Dappo Do?

With Dappo Moss, you will not be having sex for money.
Still, exploring your skills, desires, fears, and hopes—in life, love, and eros—all this is a key part of the work of sacred intimacy.

Dappo Moss will not share your private information.

Conjure the courage to reach out with your sincere questions.

DappoMoss would not shame you.

What’s this “Sacred Intimacy thing?

“Sacred Intimacy” is not a euphemism for “escort services”, “erotic massage”, or any of the other potentially “sex-for-money” terms you grew up with, though some folks out there do use the term that way.

SI work is a highly collaborative, service-oriented, helping-and-healing modality that people can be explicitly trained in.

I like to say that Sacred Intimacy is a form of life coaching that includes the erotic arenas of our lives. And, unlike the vast majority of org-certified life coaching practice, touch can be part of the process, though touch may not be necessary, desired, or even the best way to address any particular area that you wish to address.

Sessions begin with intentions: what do you long to change for the better in your life? What do you wish to experience?

And if intentions in mind are not clear to begin with, then sessions begin by seeking to uncover what you are really wishing for, what is constraining you, what growth you most deeply wish for at that moment. Even clarifying intention can be tough, thrilling, and amazingly satisfying.

Goals of SI sessions almost always involve learning. And the learning is almost always in service of growth and/or healing.

Ultimately, it is about the decision that we do not want to complete our precious life without going farther than we already have.


Yes, it’s pretty bold to claim that one’s work is sacred, both as client and as practitioner.

And I have zero doubt that this is sacred work.

I firmly believe that our capacities to love, feel, think, and interact — with ourselves, with each other, with all of nature and creation — are sacred. To waste these in favor of shallowness and convention is to thumb our nose at the sacred, conjoined gifts of existence and mortality.


What is sacred is intimate. What is intimate is sacred.

Put this claim to an intensity test: imagine AI-generated, web-deployed sacraments with no audience. Regardless of how lavish the pageantry and how adherent to religious protocol, these can not be sacred, for there is no intimacy.

(Dappo, for one, knew an early life of considerable religious adherence, but with little spiritual dimension.)

Has “sacred” meant “untouchable, unchallengeable” to you?.
What about your own experience? How was this for you? What was sacred:

Grief, rage, sadness, loneliness, depression, even violence: consider adding dimensions of intimacy, and they become more sacred.

Happiness, fun, pleasure, joy: consider adding dimensions of intimacy and they become more sacred.

What is intimate is sacred. What is sacred is intimate.
Take this assertion, and poke at it. Test it out. Try to break it.

Write to me, and challenge me to a friendly argument.

And then: let’s dig in and roll around in possibility.

Let’s try some sacred intimacy.
Why not begin a journey of enriching this precious life of yours!